If you haven't heard the uber hot Til Schweiger is in Tarantino's Inglorious Basterds. Unfortunately I didn't see Schweiger at the Hollywood Premiere of IB but I did have the good fortune to photograph Til Schweiger while he was shooting a TV Show for Germany called Mission Hollywood. As I said in previous posts, I love a well dressed man.

A well dressed man that speaks several languages is hot too. And a Well Dressed Man that is super creative, I hear that Til is a director, an editor and he is a designer of SHOES. He has his own shoe label by Footprints.

A Modern Renaissance Man who takes a mean picture. Anyway, I love taking photographs of men like Til. And many of my shots sold in Germany magazines: NeuBlatt, BZZeiting, Gala.de, FrauImSp, Ok!Germany, WeltDerF and Berlinr. So thanks Til Schwieger I hope to photograph you again and again. Danke schön! Tausend Dank!