A wonderful time was had by all at the premiere of Tom Ford's A Single Man. A stylized depiction of a man who looses his love after 16 years. Beautifully shot by Tom Ford and acted by Collin Firth as the lead who tries to get through missing his deceased love. Julianne Moore plays a boozing friend and Nicholas Hoult who looks like a model, plays a college student who befriends his depressed professor. Just some of the stars on hand, Cindy Crawford with husband Rande Gerber,

Vidal Sasson was lovely to speak with, Courtney B. Vance star of FlashFoward, gorgeous Angela Basset who is on the board for AFI, Actress Deena Beasley and Robert Greene author of the 48 Laws of Power, Art of Seduction and the 50th Law with 50cent.

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