Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Passion of the BONO

I've had some of the best times of my life going to concerts, hanging backstage, sneaking in for free. U2 has been one of my favorite bands for so many reasons. Besides the great music, the global mastery of marketing, the charitable causes, the concerts turning into a religious experience, BONO is so damn likeable. There is something about him on the same level as MJ when it comes to giving so much to his fans. Maybe too much but I'm thankful for it. Somehow Love exudes from BONO after all the years that I've seen the band. So much hope he has always had when you talk to him about Politics. As a showman, he is a master. I have great respect for him and the band. Adam Clayton is also one of my favorites. He is one of the sweetest men on the planet.
This time around BONO held court solo with the fans waiting for him before the Rosebowl Concert on the last leg of U2 2009 American Tour.

I like several others waited for hours. And of course there were the autograph hounds who sell their merchandise who showed up at the last minute and stuck their wares and pushed and shoved. I wasn't having it. BONO grew tired of it as well. And many of the respectful fans kindly got out of the way after BONO was kind enough to sign and let the vultures have at it. It is very hard to photograph when you have people hitting you on the head with albums and trying to push their way from the back to the front. But one has to play it like basketball and block them. I play mad defense. Anyway, I would happily spend my Sundays photographing BONO and the rest of the band anytime that are paths meet. To me it is a joy to see stars like BONO interact with his fans. Although I wonder if it gets overwhelming for him.
I feel very blessed to be around so many talented people who genuinely seem to care about others. BONO is definitely in my top 3 of all time if not top 2. Michael Jackson will always be first.

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